Lauren Martel
- President/Founder
As an attorney in private practice for over 25 years, Lauren has lent her legal experience to countless successful businesses and leaders and has Read more >
Lauren Martel
Lauren’s family legacy, in America, goes back to the revolutionary war. She has a lineage of warriors who fought for liberty and freedom and enlightened society. Her passion for our system of government is ingrained in her from her grandfather’s military service, her family history and as an attorney practicing law.
As an attorney in private practice for over 25 years, Lauren has lent her legal experience to countless successful businesses and leaders and has spearheaded several initiatives on the restoration of our families and our communities. She has been guest speaker on several radio and television shows and at events. Her practice includes a variety of areas including, personal injury, contractual and constitutional law, government over-reach issues, family law, some limited criminal law, and heirs cases.
She has contributed to many-limited government, fiscal conservative, constitutional community organizing events and participated in the political process throughout her career, most recently being actively involved in exposing the over-reach of the refugee resettlement program in South Carolina.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence—it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” – George Washington
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